Friday, August 28, 2009

More Tests and Surgery

Today Elsa was moved to the ICU so that she could be monitored, but nothing is seriously wrong. I guess good is relative for her now. We found out that she has Burkitt Lymphoma. This is apparently a good type to have, but I have not looked into it very thoroughly, so I am not sure what the details are. Tomorrow morning at 8:30 Elsa is going into surgery to have a port put into a major artery near her heart. This is like a permanent IV that will not bother her or get in the way so that the doctors can administer her Chemo. While she is under anesthesia they will do a spinal tap and give her the first dose of Chemo and also get some bone marrow from her hip to test if the lymphoma has spread that far. After they test the marrow we will know the stage of the cancer and how intense the Chemo will have to be. The doctors said that as of right now it looks like the Chemo will go on for about 6 months. 
Tomorrow after I get out of class I am going to head back to Indy so I can be there over the weekend. 
The surgery should last a couple of hours so keep Elsa in your thoughts tomorrow. 


  1. I miss my Elsa so much, and this is so hard to see but i know God is with her and she has so much love and support! You guys are such an incredible family and i know she is going to come through this she is so strong. Please tell her that her zoe sends her hugs and kisses. I was wondering if i could have her room number and what not so i can send her a stuffed animal. Tell val that if she needs any help with the kids i can come and even stay the night if she needs me too. Good luck and i'll keep Praying!


  2. Katherine,

    I hope your professors are being supportive. If you need any advice or help from the inside, call me (456-5054).

    Jane Banks
